Sunday, December 15, 2019



It is normal machine, it could be a physical computer or could be a computing instance like AWS EC2 instances.
The cluster is a collection of Nodes (computers) related to each other and work together.
one or more docker containers, sharing the same network card .
you can think of them as two separate computers sharing the same network card, or two separate processes in one computer. The main goal of the pod is to separate processes and their dependencies while maintaining the same network identity.
pods are the basic unit of deployment in Kubernetes, they get deployed to the nodes of the cluster, and these nodes can have one or more pods on them, it’s up to Kubernetes to arrange the pods between the nodes.
The replica is a clone of a pod, replicas are needed to distribute the load.
A service is a group of pods that running somewhere in the cluster and they provide the same functionality.
A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets..