Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Day today findings in work.

Day today findings in work.

I thought of placing small findings which bugged while working in day to day life. I think it may help me and others in future, so that i don't repeat same  mistake again.
  1.  As per Javadoc, System.lineSeparator() doesn't exists in java < 7. Use System.getProperty("line.separator") of java <= 6 .
  2. For SOAP request/response to have namespace prefix , WSDL should be designed properly
            a) Use elementFormDefault="qualified" in <schema> tag in WSDL
            b) Donot use anonymous types in schema definition in 

            c) To make custom prefix: update generated

    3. If you want to change Environment variable without admin rights, the use this       

rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
        4. Install python without admin rights : Execute this way:

      C:\development\apps>msiexec /a python-2.7.12.msi /qb                        

       5. Set proxy for npm command: use %40 for @
           $ npm config set proxy http://username:password@hostname:port

       6. Set proxy for git command:
           $ git config --global http.proxy
      $ git config --global https.proxy

    7. Remote debug using eclipse Tomcat.
       a) create/update file setenv.bat in {TOMCAT_HOME}/bin.
       b) add CATALINA_OPTS="-Xdebug -        Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n" in setenv.bat file.
       c)save the file and close.
       d)run the server from command prompt using this command : catalina.bat jpda start
          e.g, : C:\software\apache-tomcat-7.0.53-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-7.0.53\bin>catalina.bat jpda start
       e) Go to Eclipse and open debug configuration and create remote java application.             use the hostname and port which used in setenv.bat file.
       f)click on debug to start in debug mode.

        8. Opening windows command prompt from Windows Explorer.
           a) Open the Windows explorer with your directory location. Go to address bar and type cmd and hit enter. It will open up the CMD for you.
           b) Open the Windows explorer with your directory location. select Shift and right click , select the option 'Open command window here.'. It will open uo the CMD for you.

Using PatriciaTrie 


public static void main(String[] args) {
              Map<String, Student> stdMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Student>();
              /* Load your regualr map with data */
              Student std1 = new Student();
              stdMap.put("Raj ", std1);
              Student std2 = new Student();
              stdMap.put("Ra ", std2);
              Student std3 = new Student();
              stdMap.put("Raop", std3);
              Student std4 = new Student();
              stdMap.put("Pat ", std4);
              Student std5 = new Student();
              stdMap.put("kalo", std5);
              /* PatriciaTrie map*/
              PatriciaTrie<Student> stdMapTrie = new PatriciaTrie<Student>(stdMap);
              /*SortedMap<String, Student> entries1 = stdMapTrie.prefixMap("Ra");
              SortedMap<String, Student> entries2 = stdMapTrie.headMap("ak");
              SortedMap<String, Student> entries3 = stdMapTrie.subMap("", "47");
              SortedMap<String, Student> entries4 = stdMapTrie.tailMap("00");
              //Entry<String, Student> entries5 ="5600");

9.   Whenever you are using Angular Bootstrap Module.
       --> npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
               Don't forget to include  NgbModule  in app.module.ts imports section.

10. To know proxy setting using Chrome:
       ---> chrome://net-internals/#proxy

11. Setting global proxy in CentOS for YUM downloads:
      ---> Add following in /etc/yum.conf file
              # The proxy server - proxy server:port number
        # The account details for yum connections

12. I solved the issue of proxy setting in Windows docker tool box by modifying config.json
    Put the proxy setting in HostOptions -> EngineOptions

    "Env": [

Then run this command to get it updated:
docker-machine provision

13. Sparse checkout git.
          There are multiple ways to checkout only a portion of repository from git. Here one i find easy one. Run this in git bash.

        git init 
    git remote add origin <url>
    git config core.sparsecheckout true
    echo "inner_folder/*" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
    git pull --depth=1 origin master

14. In Java , if i do a split on a string using some delimiter then, it does not consider the empty portion at the end after delimiter.

         String[] s = "hello;world;".split(";");

Developer Expected output: [hello, world, ]
Actual output: [hello, world]

To get the actual developer expected output, split method has to be overloaded.

     String[] s = "hello;world;".split(";",-1);

15. How to know the Browser details using javascript?
    Ans: In Javascript there is an object called navigator, which has got some variable which gives information about browser you are in. Keep in mind that every new version of browser may have different pattern of informations.

  • navigator.userAgent
  • navigator.appVersion
  • navigator.appName
  • navigator.appCodeName
  • navigator.platform
16. In Github, if credential prompt is not coming, run this command in command line in windows.
  •     git config --system credential.helper store
17.  Setting proxy for Pip (python) :

  • use --proxy http://<proxy_url>:<port> along with pip install command
  • set http_proxy and https_proxy in env or command prompt. Format would be : http://username:password@proxyAddress:port
18. If you want to update/reset your git credentials or any other credentials in windows 10, here is the quick way.
        Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Credential Manager --> Windows Credentials.

19. Kill Process associated with a Port No in windows
       1. Run this in cmd : netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT_NUMBER> jlkjlk
       2. Execute this with your pid which you get from step 1: taskkill /PID <processid> /F ;

20. Reverting pushed code in git remote repo:
        # To revert the changes pushed in remote repo with history
            >git reset --hard <commit-id>
            >git push -f
       # To revert the changes pushed in remote repo keeping the history:
            >git revert <commit-id> or git revert -m 1 <commit-id> (if its merge commit)

    Good reference: 


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