Monday, September 16, 2019


Docker Commands
docker search searchterm
Search Docker Hub for images.
docker pull user/image
Downloads an image from Docker Hub.
docker login
Authenticate to Docker Hub
(or other Docker registry).
docker push user/image
Uploads an image to Docker Hub.
You must be authenticated to run this command.
docker ps
List all running containers.
docker ps -a
List all container instances, with their ID
and status.
docker images
Lists all images on the local machine.
docker history user/image
Lists the history of an image.
docker logs [container name or ID]
Displays the logs from a running container.
docker port [container name or ID]
Displays the exposed port of a running container.
docker diff [container name or ID]
Lists the changes made to a container.
docker run -it user/image
Runs an image, creating a container and
changing the terminal
to the terminal within the container.
docker run -p $HOSTPORT:$CONTAINERPORT -d user/image
Run an image in detached mode
with port forwarding.
ctrl+p then ctrl+q
From within the container’s command prompt,
detach and return to the host’s prompt.
docker attach [container name or ID]
Changes the command prompt
from the host to a running container.
docker start [container name or ID]
Start a container.
docker stop [container name or ID]
Stop a container.
docker rm -f [container name or ID]
Delete a container.
docker rmi
Delete an image.
docker tag user/image:tag user/image:newtag
Add a new tag to an image.
docker exec [container name or ID] shell command
Executes a command within a running container.
docker commit user/image
Save a container as an image.
docker save user/image
Save an image to a tar archive.
docker build -t sampleuser/ubuntu .
Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile
in the current directory.
docker load
Loads an image from file.
docker info
Get information about the docker infra.
docker images
Get all the images in local docker repo.
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all containers
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Delete all images---- use -f is needed for force

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